The competition is fierce for hair salon owners, hair stylists, cosmetologists, and barbers making an effective slogan or tagline essential in successful marketing. A great slogan or tagline for your salon or barbershop will set you apart from the competition.
Hairstyling and cosmetology is a nearly $50 billion dollar a year industry and its growth shows no sign of slowing down. In fact, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts an 8% job growth over the next 10 years. This affords tremendous potential for those eager to start or expand a hair salon or barber shop.
Whether you are new to the industry or looking to revamp your marketing efforts, creating a slogan or tagline is likely in order. Below are some hair industry slogans and taglines collected from around the web that should get your creative juices flowing. We also have some popular beauty slogans that may offer more of what you are looking for.
One of the best sources of branding material at a reasonable price is Fiverr.com and it is one of the most popular and affordable sites to find freelance services.
Your Elite Writer offers slogan and tagline creation on Fiverr. Fiverr offers hundreds of services starting at only $5 that will put your business ahead of the competition.
If you are just getting started with your new business and need some marketing advice, don’t hesitate to contact us. We can assist you in creating a catchy slogan or tagline, content creation, recommend great products, and much more.
If you need assistance coming up with a catchy slogan for your business, Your Elite Writer offers very affordable pricing starting at $50 for a minimum of 10 slogan choices. Contact dustin@yourelitewriter.com for more information.
Slogans From Your Elite Writer:
Our hair, your style.
Our hair, your compliments.
Our hair. Your look. Their compliments.
Our style, your look.
Live bold. Feel beautiful.
Live bold. Feel beautiful. Look great.
Beauty is what we do.
Be the desire.
Be the envy.
Don’t settle for normal.
It’s more than a look, it’s a feeling.
It’s more than a look.
It’s not a look, it’s a feeling.
Its more than a look, it’s a way of life.

Beauty is more than a look, it’s a feeling.
It’s not just a look, it’s a lifestyle.
Not just a look, a lifestyle.
The look you want, the lifestyle you deserve.
A new style for a new you.
Style with a purpose.
Beauty is our inspiration.
Live bold. Feel beautiful. Look great.
Making you look good is our business.
Look the way you feel.
Redefine your yourself, live inspired
Slogans From around the web:
A beautiful gift of God.
A breath of fresh hair.
A cut above the rest.
A cut for best.
A hair salon that cares about you.
A High-end Salon Without The Pretense.
A Little Off The Top.
A Midsummer Night’s Dreads and More.
A perfect cut
A reason to dye before you die.
A salon with guaranteed satisfaction.
A sweet escape. Even sweeter prices!
A totally organic experience.
Achieve the beauty you are dyeing for.
Achieve The Look You Want.
Amazing Hair Grace.
As individual as you are.
As urban as you can get in the suburbs.
Barry M. The most colorful name in cosmetics.
Be great every day.
Be natural is more stylish
Be welcomed. Be pampered. Be yourself.
Be your best.
Beautiful and peaceful.
Beautiful hair in professional hands.
Beautiful hair with beautiful care.
Beautiful. Colorful. You.
Beautify your hair today.
Beautifying the neighborhood, one haircut at a time.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and the hands of your stylist.
Beauty is in the Hands of Your Stylist.
Beauty is worth dyeing for.
Beauty short cuts.
Because it’s your hair
Because shiny hair looks good.
Because you deserve it.
Because you need time for yourself.
Because your hair deserves the best care.
Best friend of your hair.
Beyond the blondes.
Bring color to life, bring color to hair.
Bring out the love from heart to your hair.
Changing the world by changing the hair color.
Changing the world one person at a time.
Closer to your beauty.
Comb together.
Combing your personality.
Come here for your hair.
Complete hair transformation.
Conditioning the boring hairs.
Creating the best look.
Creating your look.
Creating your perfect image.
Creative from every side.
Creators of award-winning hair.
Curling the hair chemistry.
Curling up the expectations
Cut From The Heart.
Cuts and other kinds of stuff.
Cuts and Styles.

Cutting Remarks.
Danielle’s Esthetics. Because you need time for yourself.
Declaring your beauty is our duty.
Dedicated To Providing Excellence In Our Service.
Developing a new beauty.
Discover the beauty too.
Do come and do the combing of the dreams.
Do Comb And Experience.
Do the Fun with hair.
Does she … or doesn’t she.
Down to earth hair.
Dyeing Sensation.
Dyeing to Escape.
Eco friendly salon on the beach.
Embracing the style with a shine.
Enjoy the stay. Love the shine.
Every hairstyle has a purpose.
Everyone is beautiful, we just make it obvious!
Experience Life With Color.
Experience style with…….
Experience the beauty.
Expert hands for the incredible cut.
Expert hands to pamper and style.
Fashion that speaks.
For cuts and colors that best suit you.
For incredible hair.
For that Feminine Look You Always Wanted.
For The Look of the Future.
For the style and service you deserve!
From hairrific to terrific.
Fueled by passion and hairspray.
Fun cuts for kids.
Get a luxury for your hair
Get radiance.
Get The Hair Outta Here.
Get your hair done today.
Gone with the hair salon.
Hair And Beyond.
Hair And Other Stuff.
Hair chemistry at its best!
Hair is our attraction.
Hair is our canvas.
Hair State Of Mind.
Hair today gone tomorrow.
Hair’s where its at!
Haircuts With Happy Endings.
Hairdressers bring color to the world.
Hairdressers Do It With Style.
Hairdressing inspired by a dream.
Hairdressing is our passion!
Hairlicious salon.
Hairstylists Are A ‘shear’ Pleasure!
Have a great hair day.
High drama for every single lash.
Highlight you today.
Highlighting life with highlighting the hair.
Highlighting the beauty.
Holistic hairdressing.
I Want You To Love Your Hair.
If I’ve only one life let me live it as a blonde!
If we can’t do it no one can.
If your hair isn’t becoming to you, you should be coming to us.
Illusions: from dream to reality.
Indulge yourself with grace.
Indulge yourself.
Invest in your hair.
It doesn’t cost a lot to look good.
It’s Gonna Be Great.
Keeping it short.
Kids cuts with a smile.
Kiss your hair.
Knock Knock, Whose Hair?
Leave the hair to us.
Let’s get beautiful.
Let’s talk about hair.
Let’s talk good, let’s talk about hair.
Life is too short to have boring hair.
Live And Let Dye.
Live your best life.
Look good,Feel good.
Look your best today
Look Your Best, Feel Even Better From Head To Toe.
Look your best.
Love is in the hair.
Love the new cut.
Love your hair, love yourself.
Love your hair… for less.
Luxury salon where you will feel unique and special.
Making hair speak good.
Making you and your hair Shine.
Making your hair shine.
Mane Attraction.
Manifesto. Declare your style.
Max Factor. The make-up of make-up artists.
Midsummer night dream.
Modesty with style.
Modesty With Style.
More defined. More conditioned. More beautiful lashes.
Natural, healthy, and professional.
New Stylist. New Life. New You.
No more bad hair
No Tangles.
Non-Conventional Beauty.
Not just for blondes.
Offering you the personal touch.
Only The Best Will ‘Do.
Our image is to make your image.

Our scissors are magic wands.
Our strength is beauty
Our Strength Is Your Beauty.
Pampering your hair
Perfection in hair.
Pich your best style
Place where your hair gets a breath
Progressive styling in a nurturing environment.
Proud to be a hairdresser.
Pure beauty for your hair
Quality is our dedication
Reimagining beauty… sustainably.
Relax , refresh, stylish.
Relax and revitalize the beauty
Relax. Renew. Revive.
Rethink your lash look.
Revitalize your beauty… Revitalize your soul.
Satisfaction Guaranteed Or Double Your Hair Back.
Satisfying our clients.
Share a new perfection
Shine from head to toe.
Shine of heaven
Short cuts to beauty
Show your colors, embrace your style, love the beautiful you.
Shut Up And Style Me.
Simply Hairlicious.
Smackers. All the flavor of being a girl.
Specialized beauty for all.
Start a reaction.
Studio One. When Only The Best Will Do!
Style with mood.
Style, Dye, Comb.

Styles from the city, service from out of this world.
Styles to fit your lifestyle.
Stylin’ from your hair to your toys!
Stylofyingn you
Take a chance.
Take your lashes to Luxurious Lengths.
Tangle Fighters.
The art of colors.
The art of natural beauty.
The best place to dye.
The Company for Women.
The cure for bad hair days.
The cut & color expert.
The cut you won’t regret.
The doctors of your hair.
The Dye you are dyeing for.
The exceptional service for the best experience.
The feminine look you need.
The grace, inspired by feminism.
The hair chopper.
The hair color experts.
The Hair Man is here to save your hair.
The hairdresser you can trust.
The hairgicians with a crown.
The hairstyle that makes you smile.
The incredible style for the incredible sensation
The Kingdom Of Comb.
The kingdom of hair cuts.
The magical comb.
The magical scissors.
The manufacturers of style.
The passionate hairdresser.
The perfect comb for your hair.
The personal touch of your own style.
The place of hair experts.
The salon of creators.
The salon of neighbors.
The salon that gives you style.
The science of beautiful hair.
The Second Combing.
The style of the future.
The stylist your hair needs.
The Stylist’s Choice.
The ultimate experience
The ultimate indulgent hair experience.
The ultimate salon experience.
The ultimate solution for your bad hair day
There is no better hairstyle then your own style.
There is no such thing as natural beauty.
To cut or not to cut.
To transform is fascinating, but to enhance is divine.
To Trim Or Not To Trim.
Transforming the hair salon experience.
Transforming your image.
Treat your hair today.
Treat yourself to great service.
Twist. Glide. Shine.
Twisting the tangle
Untangling the smile
We aim to please!
We are here to beautify the world.
We can style your hair how you like it.
We care for your hair needs.
We create styles for the way you look and the way you live!
We cut any type of hair.
We know hair.
We love your hair.
We manufacture beauty.
We Specialize In All Phases Of Hair.
We style the right way.
We talk hair.
We will dye for you.
We’ll Style, You’ll Smile.
Where everything is better.
Where experience matters.
Where Girls Go To Play.

Where guests are the canvas and art is created.
Where hair becomes a masterpiece.
Where haircuts are fun!
Where hairdressing comes alive.
Where passion & creativity meet.
Where Style is Created.
Where style meets exceptional service.
Where the hair cut experience becomes magical.
Where we love to exceed your expectations.
Who says getting a haircut can’t be fun!
Whole Lotta Styling Goin’ On.
Wish you a happy hair day
Yes ! You looking great.
You are in a beauty contest every day of your life.
You deserve nothing but the best.
You deserve the best.
You gonna be great
You pick the style. We give you the style.
You show us your hair dream, we make it a reality.
Your Beautiful Hair, In Need Of Our Care.
Your best hair affair.
Your hair at its best.
Your Hair Beauty, Our Duty.
Your hair will feel so good.
Your hair is our best advert.
Your hair is our canvas.
Your hair is our masterpiece.
Your Hair Never Felt So Good.
Your Hair, Our Care.
Your hair, Your Crown. Your hair, your beauty.