The perfect and unique health slogan is essential as businesses look to stand out in the multi-trillion-dollar health and wellness industry. Health and wellness are big business around the world with projected growth only growing year after year. As more and more competition in varying niches pop up every day, standing out is critical to success.
Staying fit and keeping healthy is a priority for people spread across the globe. In the United States, heart disease remains the leading cause of death. In fact, heart disease and stroke are the leading cause of death world-wide with more that 15 million deaths annually. These astonishing figures make healthy eating and adequate exercise increasingly important as they are the primary means of prevention.
If you are just starting out in the health and wellness industry, preparing to launch a new product or service, or are just looking to revamp your marketing efforts, Your Elite Writer is here to help you write a catchy slogan or tagline. Below you will find some slogans crafted by us as well as a collection from around the web. If you need assistance, you can always contact us or find one of the thousands of freelancers offering their services on Fiverr.com (we are on the site as well).
You can also learn about our favorite copywriting resource here for a little inspiration to get you started.
If you need assistance coming up with a catchy slogan for your business, Your Elite Writer offers very affordable pricing starting at $50 for a minimum of 10 slogan choices. Contact dustin@yourelitewriter.com for more information.

Health slogans from Your Elite Writer
They offer promises, we provide results.
Because just going through the motions won’t cut it.
The body you love, the lifestyle you want.
Your body, your health, our priority.

Transforming your body, changing your lifestyle, delivering results.
We know what matters.
Tested strategies, proven results.
Our results speak for themselves.
Our guarantee is in our results.
Open your eyes to the life you want.
Discover the life you want.
A glimpse at the life you want.
Life is great…start living it.
Life is great, we will show you how to make it better.
Learn to dream with your eyes wide open.
Dreaming with your eyes open.
Relax. Rejuvenate. Revitalize.
Relax. Rejuvenate. Redefine.
Rejuvenate. Recharge. Redefine
Health slogans from around the web
A better way to practice care.
A better you, Today.
A fit body holds a Healthy mind and spirit!
A good wife and health are a man’s best wealth.
A happy mind is a sign of healthy body.
A healthy body is a home for a healthy soul.
A healthy family… is a happy family.
A healthy lifestyle is a perfect lifestyle.
A mile of run a day will keep the fat away.
A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips.
A nagging wife may save your life.
A natural way of improving your health.
A strong nation, a healthy family.
All heart.
All hearts strong.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
An apple a day, helps you run in a long way.
Be aware about health and live life peacefully.
Be keen to live long.
Be smart, eat smart.
Beautiful body. Beautiful mind.
Beautiful body. Built by you.
Because it matters….Heart Disease awareness.
Being fit is important.
Being healthy and fit isn’t a fad or a trend, it’s a lifestyle.
Being on a diet is better than being on a hospital bed.
Better choices = healthy lifestyle.
Better health through better living.
Bigger Snacks, Bigger Slacks.

Building a healthy team.
Burn calories, not money.
Burn fat and leave the rest.
Care for your health as much as you care about your wealth.
Come forward to a healthy life.
Commit to be Fit.
Coordinated. Connected. Committed.
Diet cures more than doctors.
Discover wellness.
Do something today that your body will thank you tomorrow for.
Don’t be a fluffy cat. Burn the extra fat.
Don’t fear the reaper, live longer.
Don’t give up on your health.
Don’t give up what you want most for what you want at this moment.
Don’t limit your challenges , challenge your limits.
Don’t starve your health in pursuit of wealth.
Don’t wait to lose weight.
Early to bed, early to rise keeps you healthy, wealthy, and wise.
Easy to gain, hard to lose.
Eat clean and green. Eat Organic.
Eat healthy food. Keep your health good.
Eat healthy… Live healthy.
Eat less and live more.
Eat right and the pants won’t be tight.
Eat right, be bright.
Eat the best, leave the rest.
Eat to live not live to eat.
Eat Wise, drop a size.
Eat your veggies-have less wedgies!
Education and treatment is our mission… kids are our passion.
Either stick to it or fall sick.
Embrace and love your body.
Embrace your health because that is what empowers you.
Embrace your health.
Embracing body and mind.
Empowering individuals with personal health.
Empowering the individual and enhancing the personal healing experience.
Engaged Learning.
Every day is a chance for you to get stronger, eat healthier and live happier.
Everything your body needs, nothing it doesn’t.
Evidence based wellness care.
Experience the difference.

Fat and ugly. Fit and beautiful.
Fat… easy to gain, hard to lose. Think again before consuming extra booze.
Feeling healthy and feeling good about yourself is not a luxury – it’s an absolute necessity.
Fitness boosts your energy.
Fitness is important.
Fitness is like a relationship; if you cheat, you can’t expect it to workout.
Fitness. Performance. Life.
Get a jump on your day!
Get answers about your health.
Get to the heart of the matter.
Gift yourself with good health and good sense.
Give a commitment to a healthy lifestyle.
Give up the fat, watch your belly go flat.
Go healthy and be happy.
Good health – that’s the spirit.
Good health will help you in the long run.
Good Health. Bad Health. Which will you choose?
Got health?
Grown by Nature.
Health, Happiness and Harmony.
Have control over your mouth to have control over your weight.
He who Indulges, Bulges.
Health empowers you.
Health is not about your body, it’s about your soul.
Health is not appreciated until sickness comes.
Health is wealth.
Health isn’t about less weight, it’s about how much stamina you have.
Health should be your priority.
Health should come first, or you will come last.
Health, hygiene and happiness walk hand in hand.
Healthy is the new “Happy.”
Healthy lifestyle to the core.
Healthy physique brings confidence in life.
Heart and Soul.
Heart to Heart.
Helping people lead healthy and happy lives.
Helping you live longer, healthier, and better.
Holistic rejuvenation in a healing space.
Hopeful Hearts.
How can you love anyone when you don’t even love your health?
Hustle to gain more muscle.
I support a healthy lifestyle… Do you?
If a bug won’t bite it, why should you? Go Organic.

If alcohol is your choice today, then medicines will be your only option tomorrow.
If wealth is lost, nothing is lost – if health is lost, something is lost.
If you don’t do what is best for your body, you’re the one who comes up on the short end.
If you don’t have time for fitness you will be forced to take out time for your illness.
If you eat wise , you can maintain size and if you eat right the pants won’t be tight.
If you hang your swimsuit on the refrigerator door, the goodies inside will be easier to ignore.
If you let the cake control, you’ll look like a cinnamon roll.
If you lose fat you are winning against illness.
If you put it in your mouth it will just go south.
If you want a better body tomorrow, start working for it today.
If you want stay a hit , first be fit.
If you want to be wealthy, start with being healthy.
If you work on your health , it will let you work on everything else.
Ignore your health, it will go away.
Improve your health, improve your life.
It is easy to weight fat but hard to lose.
It’s your duty to protect your health.
It’s your future…be there happy and healthy.
Just for the health of it!
Just keep in mind that your body is your slave, it works for you.
Keep working on your health. Don’t quit.
Keep your health fit and your mind wise.
Keep your heart strong.
Keeping families happy.
Keeping your family healthy & happy.
Know Your Farmer, Know Your Food.
Laying the foundation to good health.
Live healthy. Live long.
Living healthy should never be an option, it should be your choice.
Love your body because it will stay with you till you die.
Make your health your priority.
Med Spa and wellness.
Move it or lose it.
No pain no gain.
Nothing feels as good as having a fit body and a healthy life.
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels.
Nurturing body and mind.
One day at a time. One workout at a time. One rep at a time.
One step towards a healthy life.
One workout session is better than hundred party nights.
Organic farmers are outstanding in their fields.
People die every day; can’t we help them in some way?
Replace those fries with fruits.
Rest a while and run a mile.
Run for your lives!
Running to the future.
Say no to junk foods. Stay healthy.
See you in your healthy self.
Seven days without exercise makes one weak.
Shape up your figure.
Show some skin for Vitamin D.
Show you care, be aware.
Sink your teeth into health.
Spreading awareness, one step at a time.
Start on your path to better health.
Stay conscious about your health.
Stay strong and live long.
Stop waiting for a miracle to happen, start working for one.
Street Walkers for Life!
SUN: Giver of Vitamin D.
Take care of your body and it will take care of you.
Take charge, don’t be large.
The biggest asset you can ever have is your health.
The fitter you are, the better you are.
The glow of good health can only be enjoyed if you exercise.
The greatest wealth is health.
The larger the portion size is. The larger you will become.
The pain you are going through today will be the strength you will possess tomorrow.
The power of possibility.
The spirit of healing is profound empathy.
This kid has heart!
To avoid sickness, eat less. For a prolonged life worry less.
To eat is a necessity but to eat healthy is an art.
To enjoy your hard-earned wealth, you need to keep a check on your health.
To fight like a champion, you must train yourself as one.
To have your health and mind stay at peace, you should exercise.
To your good health.
Together we achieve stronger, healthier lives.
Too Fit to Quit.

Treated right.
Use it or lose it.
Usually people fear height, but I fear width.
Vitamin D is D-lightful.
Vitamin D is good for me.
We can help you be at your best.
We have heart!
We walk to the same beat.
We want you to live long and prosper.
We’ll help you find your way.
Wellness is Everybody’s Business.
What I like for me is GMO free.
Where we believe you are a priority.
Why put off feeling good?
Workout to work it out.
You are not your illness.
You are what you eat from your head down to your feet.
You didn’t gain this weight overnight so stop hoping to lose it overnight.

You must eat right for the fat to take flight.
You talk the talk but can you walk the walk?
You’ll huff and puff if you eat a lot of stuff.
Your body hears whatever your mind says.
Your happiness and peace are a reflection of your health.
Your health is not only for you, it will help you help others too.
Your health is your biggest asset. Take good care of it.
Your health is your responsibility.
Your life is precious. So is your health.
Your place to discover wellness.
Your stomach shouldn’t be a waste basket.