Creating a unique yoga or Pilates slogan to jump start your studio’s marketing efforts is not as difficult as you might think. Your Elite Writer has more than 100 slogan examples to help get your creative juices flowing.
Yoga’s popularity is growing extremely fast in the United States, presenting enormous business opportunities for studio owners, yoga apparel retailers, and instructors. It is estimated that the average yogi spends $90 per month on classes and gear; this equates to nearly $30,000 spent of their lifetime. According to the most recent data, in 2016, 34 million Americans participated in yoga with that number expected to have increased to 80 million.
Yoga and Pilates’ popularity continues to spread across the globe. More and more people are realizing the health benefits of attending Yoga/Pilates classes on a regular basis. In fact, the market for Pilates and Yoga Studios was valued at $87,926 million in 2017. It is projected to reach $215,811 million by 2025, an 11% increase.
If you are just getting started with your new business and need some marketing advice, don’t hesitate to contact us. We can assist you in creating a catchy slogan or tagline, content creation, recommend great products, and much more.
If you need assistance coming up with a catchy slogan for your business, Your Elite Writer offers very affordable pricing starting at $50 for a minimum of 10 slogan choices. Contact dustin@yourelitewriter.com for more information.
Yoga slogans from your elite writer
Get bent.
Get moving on getting down.
Stretch, strengthen, stimulate.
Get bent, get crazy!
A studio as unique as you are.
A truly revitalizing experience.
Yoga for the untamed spirit.
A new approach to an ancient discipline.
For those who stretch the limits.
A stimulating twist to a classic discipline.
An exhilarating way to achieve inner peace.
Connecting your mind, body and soul.
Helping you embody the essence of inner peace.
Set things in motion, strengthen your spirit, find inner peace.
Where you can center your mind, strengthen your body, and nourish your soul.
Nourish your spirit, balance your soul.
Listen to your soul, strengthen your body, nourish your spirit.
Center your mind, strengthen your body, balance your soul.
Where you can center your mind, strengthen your body, and feed your soul.
Set things in motion.
Yoga slogans from around the web
A place to center yourself.
A Pure Yoga for Pure Joy.
A quiet mind is the healthiest mind.
A secret to retain beauty of body and mind.
A strong Sense of Flexibility.
A tool to diminish anger.
Add yoga in your life.
Add yoga to retain the beauty of body and mind.
Amazing space. Transform at your pace.
An Inspiration for best Living.
Awakening path of Yoga.
Balance your life.
Be a warrior and not a worrier.
Be alive, Be healthy.
Be alive. Be strong. Be fit. Be relaxed. Be happy. Just be.
Be In the Moment.
Be spiritually connected
Because peace of mind is important.
Begin to breathe.
Begin your journey to a better life with peace, love, beauty, and happiness.
Bend it like Bikram.
BODY and SOUL a balanced role.
Breathe, Relax and Be still.
Breathe. Grow. Live. In yoga.
Bring the healthiest change in your life by yoga.
Center your body and mind, Stretch the possibilities.
Change your life.
Come alive.
Connect Deeper.
Connect with your Inner World.
Cooldown your spirit.
Coolest yoga in the coolest town.
Craft your Morning with a Sip of Yoga
Create healthy change through body, mind and spirit.
Cultivate a beautiful body, a peaceful mind and a joyful heart.
Cultivate a healthy body, quiet mind, open heart and vibrant spirit.
Discover the true self-transformation.
Discover yoga health. Discover yourself.
Discover yourself, discover yoga.
Emphasizing the mind and self.
Envision your highest form of self!
Everything for Your Surprises.
Evolve better.
Experience a new way of yoga.
Experience the joy of yoga.
Explore the life of great health.
Exploring the yoga of life.
Feeling is living.
find your inner peace, today.
Flexibility in Every Moves
Flexibility is needed everywhere.
For inner peace that you will always need
For peace of mind, a better body, and sanity in a hectic world.
Get a holistic Life.
Get a Yoga Skill at Affordable Rate.
Get an integrated life.
Get better peace of mind.
Get more Out of life.
Get stretched and be unstressed.
Get the gear that never gives up.
Get your Down Dog On!
Give a treat to your disturbed mind.
Give soul a natural boost.
Go with the flow.
Harmonize your body, mind and inner self.
Harmonizing your inner self and body
Have a balance of perfect body and calm soul.
heal your Body naturally.
Healing the soul.
Healthy body, clear mind, peaceful spirit.
Healthy body. Quiet mind.
Helping you find peace within yourself.
Hug Yoga, Hug Life.
I’m a warrior, not a worrier.
Improve your Strength.
Improving your life.
Improvising the lifestyle.
Inspiration for joyful living.
Inspiration. Movement. Transformation.
Inspire the World with Yoga.
Integrity, for a more beautiful world.
It’s never too late for yoga.
Join the world of yoga.
Just show up.
Keep yoga in daily routine to stay fit.
Keeping you fit and healthy.
Let the air of yoga touch you every day.
Let the threads of life get connected with yoga.
Lift your spirit. Build your body. Relax your mind.
Listen to the cry of your soul
Live in the moment.
Live life to the fullest.
Live the life you love.
Meet your soul.
Meet your True Soul.
Mend your mental health.
More flexibility, new possibilities.
Move, stretch, strengthen, and simply let go.
Moves Makes you happy.
No lies, no medicines for better body and health.
Off the mat, into your life.
Open up and say om.
Peace in oneself, peace in the world.
Portrait your perfect form of self.
Providing the calm you need.
Purify your body with the soul.
Reach your potential.
Real people. Real life. Real yoga.
Recharge, Reshape your Body
Recharging the soul.
Reduce stress to reach your goal.
Reduce stress, regain focus, better day.
Reduces the pain of mental health.
Relax your body internally.
Relax your mind, meditate, and just show up.
Relax, replenish, revive.
Retreat your health better.
Revitalize your self.
Sculpt your ideal body, free your true self, transform your life.
Serenity is inside you, Feel it.
Shaping your dream.
Shaping your mind with the body.
Spirituality Connected.
Start your day with yoga.
Stop the watch, do yoga and resume.
Stretch Out the Stress.
Stretch your Life More.
Stretch your life span.
Stretch your mind.
Stretch, relax and replenish.
Stretched and Unstressed.
Take care of your health as it will be with you forever.
The ancient practice for better tomorrow.
The best hour of the day – Yoga hour.
the best way to Get health.
The energy drink of your soul – Yoga.
The focus on strength, balance, and flexibility.
The little yoga studio with a big heart!
The meditation much needed.
The much-needed soul booster.
The origin of India.
The Perfect Life Fit.
The Right Side of Your Day.
The self-control is distributed here.
The tool for better body and soul.
There’s No Place Like Om.
Train your Body Together.
Training body and mind together.
Transform your body, mind, and life today.
Transformation of body and mind.
Transforming energy.
Transforming the body, transforming energy
Treat Yourself with Yoga.
Treat, Mind Body Soul.
Welcome to this beautiful and ancient practice.
Well Disciplined, Well meditated.
What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters to what lies within us.
When you join a class, you join a family.
Which way do you bend?
Would you like time to breathe?
Yoga is a tool for life.
Yoga cannot be performed, It can be lived.
Yoga cures the endured.
Yoga for greater self-control.
Yoga for life.
Yoga gives the unbelievable power
Yoga is a way to get control.
Yoga is Fitness in return.
Yoga is for Posers.
Yoga is Passionate
Yoga is the key to flexibility.
Yoga is TWISTED.
Yoga is where your heart is.
Yoga maintains the beauty of the soul.
Yoga provides us strength.
Yoga with more possibilities.
Yoga Within Yourself.
Yoga woman play nice.
Yoga: carry on.
Yoga. For all sizes. For all shapes.
Yoga: It’s a mind, body, spirit thing.
You don’t have to be good at it.
Your beacon of inner peace.
Your soul deserves to be relaxed.