Recycling campaigns have been around as longs as almost anyone can remember. Living a sustainable lifestyle has long ago gone from being a fad to an accepted social responsibility we must all adhere to.
Waste management is big business. In fact, it is projected that it will be a $435 billion global industry by 2023. This provides an excellent opportunity for the eager entrepreneur to earn substantial profits in a rapidly growing sector.
As the urban environment faces a resurgence of popularity among millennials looking to live closer to work and entertainment options, sustainability will be a growing industry for years to come. The younger generations are eco-minded and it will play a factor in their purchasing decisions.
As you go forth and develop your marketing strategies, is here to help. These slogans developed by our team and numerous additional ones pulled from around the web should get you started on developing your brand.
Your Elite Writer offers slogan and tagline creation on Fiverr . Fiverr offers hundreds of services starting at only $5 that will put your business ahead of the competition.
If you are just getting started with your new business and need some marketing advice, don’t hesitate to contact us. We can assist you in creating a catchy slogan or tagline, content creation, recommend great products, and much more.
If you need assistance coming up with a catchy slogan for your business, Your Elite Writer offers very affordable pricing starting at $50 for a minimum of 10 slogan choices. Contact for more information.
Slogans from Your Elite Writer
It’s a way of life.
Sustainable living.
A sustainable lifestyle.
Living lightly.
Earth conscious living.

Life revamped.
Your life improved.
Revamp your life.
For a better tomorrow.
Your life, your world, our future.
Change your life, change the world.
Your life, our world.
Revitalize your life for a better tomorrow.
Enhance your life, improve our world.
Enhance your life, improve our world, live consciously.

Slogans from around the web
Be the change you want to see in the world: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.
Bin less, recycle more.
Do it for the Kids- Recycle.
Do something drastic, cut the plastic!
Don’t be a punk! Recycle your junk!
Don’t be trashy, recycle.
Don’t forget to recycle.
Don’t Litter, it makes the world bitter!
Don’t sling it. Recycle it.
Don’t throw away, recycle for another day.
Don’t throw it away, it can be used in some other way.
Don’t throw your future away!
Don’t trash our future: Recycle.
Eat, Sleep, Recycle.
Enjoy nature. Recycle.
Glass: Melt It, Shape It, Reuse It: No Problem!
Go green with recycling…
Got pollution? be the solution!…RECYCLE.
Happiness is recycling.
Have you hugged your recycle bin today?
I am a mean, green recycling machine.
I pity the fool who don’t recycle.
In Got pollution? Be the solution!…RECYCLE
In natural environments, plastic is static.
It’s a recycling thing, you wouldn’t understand
It’s a small planet, Recycle.
It’s all about recycling.
It’s easy being green- Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.
Just say no to Styro.
Just think before you bin it, there could be some use in it!
Keep calm & recycle.
Make Our Planet a cleaner place to live…..Recycle.
Mom says, Recycle.
Money grows on trees: Recycle paper.
Never refuse to reuse.
Once is not enough, recycle.
One careless toss now can lead to 14 stitches later.
Our future depends on Recycling.
Paper, Bottles, Cans, Plastic…recycle them all, it’s Fantastic!
Paper, Bottles, Plastic, Cans.. Recycle them all, take a stand!
Recycle – Do it for the Kids.
Recycle each and every day, instead of throwing paper and plastic away.
Recycle for a life cycle!
Recycle glass and dance barefoot through the park.
Recycle it, don’t trash it.
Recycle material, not ideas.
Recycle takes little effort on your part, for a big difference to our world.
Recycle the present, save the future.
Recycle today for a better tomorrow.
Recycle your trash or trash your Earth.
Recycle your waste, save energy, conserve resources and preserve the nature of the world.
Recycle, It’s your Future.
Recycle, Recycle, it’s not hard to do, you can reduce the pollution and help the world too.
Recycle, recycle, recycle, it’s the only way to go.
Recycle, reduce, reuse … close the loop!
Recycle. Everybody’s Doing it.
Recyclers do it over and over again.
Recycling is a habit of cool people.
Recycling is a mind-blowing idea.
Recycling is a simple act with complex benefits.
Recycling is a simple act with many benefits.
Recycling is easy!
Recycling is everyone’s responsibility.
Recycling is for those who expect more out of themselves and society.
Recycling is reincarnation for rubbish.
Recycling is the best solution.
Recycling Is The Key to A Clean And Safe Environment.
Recycling is the only option.
Recycling is the way to be.
Recycling plastic feels fantastic!
Recycling Rocks.
Recycling, a cool thing to do.
Recycling: It’s no waste of time.
Reduce, reuse, recycle.
Reuse aluminum. Why? Because you CAN.
Reuse it or Lose it.
Reuse old news!
Reuse yesteryear, Recycle the current, Save the near future!
Save paper, save trees, save the planet.
Shut up & recycle.
The choice is yours: Save it or waste it.
The plastic of today is the habitat of tomorrow.
Think before you trash, Recycle.
Think globally, act locally!
Think outside the trash…Recycle!
Think Smart, Think Green – Recycle!
Time is the only thing we can’t recycle.
Time to think of Recycling.
Waste is a terrible thing to mind- Recycle.
Waste is a terrible thing: Recycle.
Waste it once…pay for it twice!
What goes around, comes around again.
When in doubt, don’t throw it out!
When you refuse to reuse, it’s our Earth you abuse.
Why recycle glass? The answer is clear.
Wise people do recycling.
With Recycling; the possibilities are endless.
You are the Difference – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.
You can’t change the past but you can change the future, always remember to recycle.

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